Sunday 6 December 2015

Schumacher College Brazil Experience

Hi people! How are things? Hope you have been having a good time and  been in a very special and blessed state of mind. After disappearing for a couple of days, here I am, more excited than ever, to share with you some learnings and precious thoughts. This time, I will write about what I learnt while attending an immersion course held by Schumacher College Brazil at Environmental Fortress Farm located in Mococa (SP). The place chosen could not have been better. It  perfectly matches with the principles and the philosophy of the college. The farm, considered a model of sustainable organic agriculture, takes into consideration not only the environment but also the relationships between people while producing high quality products.

Thus, I was thinking about how to put everything that I lived and I felt during this unique and sublime experience into words. Since I came back to routine, I have been wondering where to start with. And then, between thoughts and reflections, I caught myself thinking of how important is to be free and open to life, to new possibilities, but more than everything, to be aware of our body, soul, feelings, perceptions, thoughts, and actions.

I could have chosen to talk about many other subjects, for instance, talk about the college itself, talk about economics for transition, complex thought or even talk about profound ecology, once these were some of the issues discussed there. But instead, I have chosen to talk about something that touched not only my mind, but also my heart and my soul. I have chosen to talk about being deeply aware of ourselves and how this can help us to rescue values and principles that we have mistaken while taking part in this challenging and fascinating cycle called LIFE.

I have chosen to talk about consciousness because for me it was, by far, the strongest feeling that emerged from this blessed experience. Before living it, I could have hoped to become more aware of my choices, to be more aware of my feelings or, even more expectedly, to become aware of my real purpose in life. But hardly would I have thought that living this experience would cause such a profound shift on the way I realize my career. Until then, the problem was not my career itself, but the other way around. It was me who had shown myself completely inadequate and unsuited to the role. People who are in touch with me know that since I started working as an Agronomist Engineer, I have felt particularly uneasy and bothered about it. Things have always seemed to me as if they did not make any sense. And it was just when I took part in this incredible experience that I realized what perhaps might be the cause of my distaste with my career. It has nothing to do with the fact of being an Agronomist and helping farmers to yield food, whose purpose I am very much proud of. I would say that such disappointment might be directly linked to the way we have been taught and done agriculture over decades. Nature is perfect and self sufficient by itself. It does not need our help to perpetuate itself. Instead of learning from the book of the "great nature mother", we have been greedily or, just to be less rough, naively trying to dictate our own rules over it. What a shame!

To sum it up, I would like to cite Ernst Götsch - a prominent farmer and researcher, who describes brilliantly this beautiful awakening feeling that emerges from my entire being:
"Humans could reconcile themselves with the planet, finding a way to be useful and welcomed in the system but we don't realize that. We can't see because we have disconnected ourselves from life on the planet, thinking that we are the intelligent ones. We can't see that we are JUST part of an intelligent system."

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